General course in psychology
- Description
- Curriculum
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In the Lớp Tổng Quan Về Tâm Lý Học (General Overview of Psychology), you will explore the fundamental aspects of human thought, emotion, and behavior. This course is designed by a psychiatrist and a psychologist with many years of professional experience, offering a comprehensive and accessible introduction to psychology on behalf of Tâm lý học Việt Nam.
Whether you're interested in understanding psychological disorders, supporting others effectively, or learning about treatment methods, this course provides the foundational knowledge and skills needed to grasp core psychological principles.
What You'll Learn
Key topics include:
· History of Psychology: Understand the evolution and foundational theories of psychology.
· How the Brain Works: Discover the mechanisms behind human cognition and behavior.
· What is Personality: Explore different personality traits and their impact on behavior.
· Understanding Common Disorders: Learn about prevalent psychological disorders and their effects.
· Introduction to Treatment Methods: Gain insight into therapeutic approaches and interventions.
To reinforce understanding, the course includes:
· • Over 40 lessons in Vietnamese to clarify and enrich the material.
· • Important digital resources and psychology e-books to expand your learning.
· • Interactive quizzes after each lesson to test your comprehension.
Course Duration
The course comprises 20 units, which you can complete at your own pace. On average, participants will finish the course within 4–6 weeks, depending on their schedule and learning style.
At the end of the course, you will be assessed on your understanding of basic psychology principles, counseling skills, and ability to create individualized counseling plans. Upon successful completion, you will be well prepared to begin your own counseling psychology career, helping others improve their mental health and achieve their personal goals.
Benefits of the Course
· • Comprehensive Knowledge: Learn key concepts of psychology in a structured and engaging manner.
· • Certifications for Progression: Upon completion, you’ll receive a certificate that demonstrates your knowledge and qualifies you to take advanced courses.
· • Career Development: Begin your journey to becoming a life coach, empowering yourself and others while having the freedom to define your work-life balance and income.
· • Accessible Content: All materials, videos, and quizzes are available in Vietnamese, ensuring you can fully grasp the content regardless of your background.
2Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
31.1 Tâm lý học là gì?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
41.2 Những đóng góp cho ngành tâm lí họcThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
51.3 Việc làm trong lĩnh vực tâm lí họcThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
6Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
72.1 Tâm lý sinh họcThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Tâm lý sinh học là một phân nhánh của tâm lý học. Phân ngành này phân tích quá trình não bộ và các chất dẫn truyền thần kinh ảnh hường lên hành vi, suy nghĩ và cảm xúc của chúng ta. Nhóm ngành này có thể được xem như một sự kết hợp giữa tâm lý học căn bản và khoa học thần kinh.
82.2 Não bộThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
92.3 Các phần quan trọng của nãoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
102.4 Sự thật và lầm tưởngThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
112.5 Rối loạn não bộThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
12Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
133.1 Khái niệm và lý do của giấc ngủThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
143.2 Hậu quả của việc thiếu ngủThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
153.3 Rối loạn giấc ngủ là gìThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
163.4 Những biện pháp hỗ trợ và điều trịThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
17Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
184.1 Giác quan của chúng taThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Với tư cách là một nhà tâm lý học, nhà trị liệu hoặc huấn luyện viên, điều quan trọng là phải hiểu cơ thể của chúng ta và điều này liên quan như thế nào đến tâm lý. Tuy nhiên, để trở thành huấn luyện viên, bạn không nhất thiết phải hiểu rõ về cơ thể mình. Vì vậy, bài này là tùy chọn. Điều đó có nghĩa là không có bài kiểm tra hoặc câu hỏi nào về chương này. Song chúng tôi vẫn khuyên bạn nên đọc và tìm hiểu về chương này. Nó có thể giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về tâm lý, các chứng rối loạn và bệnh tật.
194.2 Thị giácThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
204.3 Thính giácThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
214.4 Xúc giác và Khứu giácThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
22Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
235.1 Khuyến tật khả năng học tậpThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Có nhiều trẻ hiện nay gặp rất nhiều khó khăn trong việc học ở trường, không phải bởi vì trí thông minh các em có vấn đề mà vì những rối loạn về chức năng học tập. Việc hiểu được nguyên nhân cũng như các phương pháp trị liệu sẽ giúp các em phần nào lấy lại sự tự tin cũng như niềm vui trong học tập
245.2 Rối loạn đọc hiểuThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
255.3 Chứng khó học toánThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
265.4 Sợ thất bạiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
275.5 Rối loạn chức năng thính giácThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
28Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
296.1 IQ là gì?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
306.2 Thang đo trí tuệ WechslerThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Thang đo trí tuệ Wechsler dành cho trẻ em – Phiên bản thứ năm, (WISC-V) là một công cụ lâm sàng toàn diện và dùng cho cá nhân, dùng để đánh giá kỹ năng tư duy và lập luận chung của trẻ em từ 6 đến 16 tuổi.
316.3 Năng khiếuThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
326.4 Chậm phát triển trí tuệThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
336.5 Hội chứng DownThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
346.6 EQ là gìThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
35Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
367.1 Giới thiệu về bệnh của người cao tuổiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
377.2 Sa sút trí tuệThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
387.3 Bệnh AlzheimerThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
397.4 Bệnh ParkinsonThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
40Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
418.1 Tự sátThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
428.2 Tại sao người ta tự tử?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
438.3 Cách giúp đỡThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
448.4 Lầm tưởng và sự thậtThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
458.5 Tự gây tổn thương cho bản thânThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
46Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
479.1 Giới Tính và Hành Vi Tình DụcThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
489.2 Tình dục nam giớiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
499.3 Tình dục ở nữ giớiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
509.4 Trị liệu tình dục cho cá nhân và cặp đôiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
519.5 LGBTQ+This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
529.6 Mối quan hệThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
53Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
5410.1 Rối loạn ăn uốngThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Rối loạn ăn uống là tình trạng sức khỏe nghiêm trọng ảnh hưởng đến cả sức khỏe thể chất và tinh thần của bạn. Những tình trạng này bao gồm các vấn đề về cách bạn quan niệm về thực phẩm, về việc ăn uống, cân nặng và ngoại hình cũng như hành vi ăn uống của bạn. Những triệu chứng này có thể ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe, cảm xúc và khả năng hoạt động của bạn trong các lĩnh vực quan trọng của cuộc sống. Nếu không được điều trị hiệu quả, rối loạn ăn uống có thể trở thành vấn đề lâu dài và trong một số trường hợp có thể gây tử vong. Các chứng rối loạn ăn uống phổ biến nhất là chứng chán ăn, chứng cuồng ăn và rối loạn ăn uống vô độ. Chúng ta sẽ thảo luận thêm về những rối loạn đó trong bài này.
5510.2 Biếng ănThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
5610.3 Chứng háu ănThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
5710.4 Thừa cân và béo phìThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
58Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
5911.1 Giới thiệu lối sốngThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
6011.2 Căng thẳngThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
6111.3 Cảm xúcThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
6211.4 Động lựcThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
6311.5 Kiệt quệThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
64Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
6512.1 Giới thiệu về Rối loạn tâm lýThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
6612.2 Rối loạn tâm trạngThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
6712.3 DSM-V và Thử nghiệmThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
6812.4 Quan sátThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
6912. 5 Chẩn đoánThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
7012.6 Báo cáo không có trong khóa họcThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
71Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
7213.1 Giới thiệu về lo âu và trầm cảmThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
7313.2 Lo lắngThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
7413.3 Chứng sợ hãiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
7513.4 Rối loạn ám ảnh cưỡng chế OCDThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
7613.5 Hỗ trợ lo âuThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
7713.6 Trầm cảmThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
7813.7 Hỗ trợ trầm cảmThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
79Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
8014.1 Giới thiệu về chứng tự kỷThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
8114.2 Rối loạn phối hợp vận độngThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
8214.3 Tự kỷ và chẩn đoánThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
8314.4 Chẩn đoán và phòng ngừa ở độ tuổi sớmThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
8414.5 Chương trình tự kỷThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
8514.6 Rối loạn Gilles de la TouretteThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
86Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
8715.1 Giới thiệu về ADHDThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
8815.2 ADHD ở phụ nữThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
8915.3 Chẩn đoán và phòng ngừa ở độ tuổi sớmThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
9015.4 Sự thật và lầm tưởngThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
9115.5 Điều trị và tư vấnThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
92Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
9316.1 Giới thiệu một số bệnh về nói điển hìnhThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
9416.2 Chứng Nói lắpThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
9516.3 Dấu hiệu và hành viThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
9616.4 Những lầm tưởng về tật nói lắpThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
9716.5 Điều trị và phòng ngừaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
98Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
9917.1 Nghiện là gì?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
10017.2 Nghiện rượu, ma túyThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
10117.3 Hội chứng Wernicke-KorsakoffThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
10217.4 Nghiện Cờ BạcThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
10317.5 Mạng xã hội và nghiện màn hìnhThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
10417.6 Thuốc phiệnThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
105Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
10618.1 Rối loạn nhân cáchThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
10718.2 Rối loạn lưỡng cựcThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
10818.3 Rối loạn nhân cách ái kỷThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
10918.4 Rối loạn tâm thần hình tháiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
11018.5 Rối loạn nhân cách hoang tưởngThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
11118.6 Rối loạn nhân cách phụ thuộcThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
11218.7 Rối loạn nhân cách ranh giớiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
113Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
11419.1 - Sự hung hăngThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
11519.2 - Rối loạn thách thức chống đốiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
11619.3 - Rối loạn cư xửThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
11719.4 - Rối loạn nhân cách chống đối xã hộiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
118Giới thiệu chungThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
11920.1 Tổng quan các phương pháp điều trịThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
12020.2 Trị liệu nhận thức hành viThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
12120.3 Những liệu pháp có hiệu quảThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
12220.4 Đặc điểm tính cách của huấn luyện viênThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
12320.5 Trở thành một chuyên gia sức khỏe tâm thần.This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.